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Swine Flu Watch
What you need to know to make an informed decision...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Low Flu Clinic Turnout Worries Health Officials
Short lines and empty nursing stations were the scene most of the day at the first of four flu-shot clinics put on by the Forsyth County Health Department on Tuesday.Unlike in years past, there was no waiting to get into the children’s clinic, and there were just a handful of adults.
Health officials said they fear some people are brushing off the seasonal flu vaccination in anticipation of the H1N1 vaccine, which is expected to be released next month
.“They may be thinking about that and not the seasonal, and it could be the seasonal causes as much death and disease as the H1N1, so it’s important for people to understand if they want good protection, they need to receive both,”
said Dr. Tim Peters, with the Forsyth County Health Department.Doctors are reminding parents of children under age 5 who have never been vaccinated before that it will take four shots — two of each kind — to be fully protected against seasonal and H1N1 flu strain...
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We need to be informed and research before we or our children get the vaccine.What will we do if it becomes mandatory to take the shot...?We need to know what is in it for the sake of our families,friends and ourselves...In this late hour we need to be awake and aware of what is taking place.It doesn't matter were you live in this world,this may affect you too soon...
IF this blog was helpful to you in any way,please tell your family,friends,church,co-workers to come and visit.
Read it,Be informed,SHARE IT....!!!!
God bless you
As in the days of Noah...
"Say NO to the vaccine"
The Threat of Mandatory Vaccinations
Adam Murdock, MD, is a physician working in Texas. He is founder and editor of The Freemen Institute, a website dedicated to preserving the foundations of liberty.
You may want to check out these links...
"It’s The Vaccines Stupid!"
1976:"The Swine Flu Scare..."
Don't Inject Me-The Flu Vaccine Song...
Dr.Horowitz-Flu Scam
Dr.Len Horowitz
Internat'l Swine Flu Conference PDF Doc
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act
Stop Mandatory Vaccines...!!!
Swine Flu FAQ
Swine Flu News
The Truth about the Flu Shot
Vaccination Debate
Vaccination News
Vaccine Ingredients
Vaccines and Health
..."Not Sold on Mass Vaccination"
Articles in other languages:
Finnish:1.HS Gallup:75% suomalaisista ei aio ottaa sikainfluenssarokotetta
Finnish:2.Ketkä eivät halua sikainfluenssarokotetta?
Finnish:3.IS Kysely: 75% suomalaisista ei aio ottaa sikainfluenssrokotetta
French:"Grippe A:Menace sur les libertés"
French:"Grippe H1N1: la France compterait 20.000 cas par semaine"
French:Le vaccin H1N1 entraîne une plainte contre X... pour tentative d'empoisonnement
German:Schweinegrippe-Impfung: Ein Testpatient packt aus
Videos you may want to watch....
America listen to Sheriff Mack:"No Vaccines...!!!"
ChemTrails, H1N1 Vaccines, and NWO Depopulation: DETAILED PLAN for MURDER via CYTOKINE STORM
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:The Swine Flu Hype...?
Dr.Rauni Kilde on Swine Flu,Eugenics and the NWO
ENDGAME:Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Joseph Moshe H1N1 Ukraine Plague Warning
PLAGUE or PLAN...? Ukraine's mystery disease "burns out lungs"
Registered Nurse Explains Deadly H1N1 Vaccine
The CDC's Vaccination Genocide
Ukraine's Mutant "Black Lung" Virus Spreading
Don't Vaccinate...
...Before you educate--by Dr.Eisenstein
Books you may want to read....
'SCARY MEDICINE: Exposing the dark side of vaccines'
Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate
Dr.Tenpenny recommended books
Raising a Vaccine Free Child
What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations
Other Vaccines....
AUTISM:Doctors May 'Fire' Parents Who Don't Vaccinate Children:"Some Parents Fear Vaccines Cause Autism"
AUTISM:Study "Disproving" Mercury-Autism Link Published in Journal with Financial Ties to Vaccine Manufacturers
AUTISM:The great thimerosal cover-up:"Mercury,vaccines,autism and your child's health"
AUTISM:Vaccines cause autism:Supporting evidence
Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell
GARDASIL:"Merck Wins U.S. Approval for Gardasil Vaccine in Boys"
GARDASIL:CDC:"1 in 3 teen girls got cervical cancer vaccine"
GARDASIL:Girl Rejects Gardasil,Loses Path to Citizenship
GARDASIL:Girl-14-dies after receiving cervical cancer vaccine in the UK
GARDASIL:New HPV Vaccine Might Stop Vulvar Cancer in its Tracks
GARDASIL:Report of Motor Neuron Disease After HPV Vaccine
GARDASILDrug Expert:"Cervical Cancer Vaccine More Deadly Than Cancer it Supposedly Prevents..."
MALARIA:New vaccine offers hope in Africa's malaria battle
Soldiers Nearly Killed with Military’s Bioterrorism Vaccine
Will Anyone in Their Right Mind Actually Buy Into These Three New Vaccines...?
You may want to listen to this....
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As in the days of Noah
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