Keep in mind that Obama declared a pandemic swine flu emergency on the 23 October. The Ukraine epidemic started end October. Coincidence?? Yeah right?! The Satanic cabal who rules the world wants to set off a worldwide pandemic to thin the sheeple herd. Google Translate :Note: Amendment due to miscalculation by FHI Department: (original reported figure of 500,000 is incorrect, it should be 300,000)
Wednesday evening FHI reported that the number of infected people is 900,000, and the number of infected last week 500,000. This was due to a miscalculation by the Department.
The entire 13 per cent of Norway’s population is now infected with the swine flu. The estimates of Public Health (FHI) for the latest updated situation report that was published late Wednesday night.
Both the incidence of influenza-like illness and the number of confirmed flu cases has increased sharply throughout the country in recent weeks. But last week was a steep upward curve.
According to the NIPH was all as many as 500,000 Norwegians infected with swine flu only last week. We estimate that just under 900,000 Norwegians are now infected and that nearly half a million were infected just last week. There are a large number and it tells us that we are in the middle of a new and powerful wave of infection which is significantly stronger than the one we had this summer, “said Hans Blystad, superintendent at the NIPH.
He will not mean anything if, or when, we can expect to reach a temporary peak of infection, but said a leveling off of the number of new infected first is probably when even more is vaccinated. Infection estimates of the NIPH is based on reported cases in the last week from 201 physician offices spread across the country, including laboratory tests and how many were diagnosed with “influenza-like illness”.
14 percent of those who went to the doctor last week had this diagnosis. Of the tests that were done in more detail in the laboratory showed all samples swine influenza virus...
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