After months of drum-beating, that the so-called late-2009 season H1N1 “swine flu” could develop into a more severe pandemic with greater loss of life as the winter flu season approached, Americans have not bought into government-generated flu hysteria.
Americans are hearing just 22.4 million doses of flu vaccine are available, which is posed as a vast shortage. But news sources indicate only about 11 million Americans have been vaccinated to date, an underwhelming public response to the government’s massive crusade to vaccinate up to 70–80% of the population (210–240 million Americans). That goal has been trimmed to 159 million, about half the population, and production delays mean millions of Americans would have to wait till the flu season is almost over to undergo inoculation next spring. Why get vaccinated at all?
What prompted the national emergency?
Did such strong opposition to flu vaccination prompt the President to announce a contrived national emergency, which really had nothing to do with public health or saving lives, but rather whether hospitals were going to be able to collect Medicare and Medicaid payments for flu-related illness....
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